
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

The Cake Wrecks Phenomenon

Think the wreckage only extends to sugary baked goods?

Think again.

My friends, meet "The Sprinkle Roll":

It's a California Roll...with sprinkles on it.

Yes, real, sugar sprinkles. Brian S., who found these at his local Sushi bar, tells me they taste about how you'd expect. (Which is to say, not good.)

Apparently this company went looking for a logo in our inappropriate balloons posts:

"Stop imagining"? What do you think I've been TRYING to do?

Also, wouldn't that logo be more appropriate on a pair of swim trunks?


And finally, you know you've been reading this blog too long when a simple road sign makes you giggle/guffaw/startle the cats with screeches of amusement:

What, you mean, like this?


Marshmallow icing always was my favorite.

Hey Brian S., Micheline F., & Jacob & Jennifer H., if you ever see this: can blame me.

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Reader Comments (78)

I always appreciate a Ghostbusters reference early in the morning.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Boob Nazi

I need to get one of those signs!! And the shoe logo? WHAT were they thinking?!?!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFluffy Cow

I saw that ad in a SkyMall magazine on our way to Texas over Christmas! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. And the ad didn't really mention the sperm logo, as if it was the most normal thing in the world! Strange times, people. Strange, strange times.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany

Oh my goodness, sushi and sprinkles. no no no.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPippaD aka Mummy

LOVE that sign... and marshmallow icing actually... yum!

the shoe logo - big FAIL!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterT

bwahaha, hilarious entry! i just saw ghostbusters (for the millionth time) the other day, too.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkhanada

When I saw the first photo, I thought "Cake that looks like California roll -- how creative!"

But wait, that's real California roll, with sprinkles...

My head just asploded.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeith Moore

I want sprinkles. On EVERYTHING. (Icing on everything isn't a bad idea, too.)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermimi

Sushi and sprinkles?


No doubt, from a dive called "Jimmy's Sushi Bar."

I would have thought of Cake Wrecks immediately, if I'd seen the sudden icing sign.

Sudden Icing -- Cake Wrecks comes up with another great name for a band!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

My fiance took me to try sushi for the first time. I was wary, but I noticed the little orange crunchy balls on top and I said, "Whoa, sprinkles!" He didn't tell me until after we were done eating that they were actually fish eggs. Ick!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteralyssareeves

Hey Jen, just finished voraciously reading CW (I'm working on Epbot now) and I just HAD to thank you for making me look like a maniac, staring at my phones screen and snorting out bouts of laughter everywhere I go! I love it!
And really, did someone not look at the shoe design and maaaaybe think "Waaaiit...that's not right..."? *sigh* I have lost faith.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjebus llama

The sushi made me gag. A little bit.

Love Ghostbusters. It kills me that I can't find a way to make the rest of my family enjoy it as much as I do. They never want to watch it. *grumble*

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBakingdom

Mmmm...sushi-themed pastries. Somebody, somewhere MUST be doing that.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterD.B. Echo

I just find it so hard to believe that the person who thought sugar sprinkles on sushi is of this earth.

And the logo? And intentional? Had to check it out myself "seed of life logo." Truely unbelievable.


January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSandy C also in SoFla


January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterConnie Moreno

The shoe logo "GRAVITY DEFYER™ LOGO CAUSES PULL OUT – pain free/comfortable footwear line still swimming upstream despite retailer outrage"

Love it, would not wear it, but love it.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSandy C also in SoFla

sushi, sprinkles and sperm...very interesting for a cake blog.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStella

Sandra Lee needs that sign stapled to her head.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSea Hag

Love that sign. Sometime one wonders what the writers of such signs are thinking. There used to be one in a nearby city, known for its large( and now dead) elm trees, that read "SLOW MEN WORKING IN TREES"
It makes one ponder!

WV: forksol Confusius say: Forksol of sprinkle covered sushi can make one barfsol!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I saw those sperm shoes in Sky Mall!!! hahaha, we were dying laughing at them. The sperm logo was all over the ad.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpaulinagc

Sprinkles on sushi?!? Seriously?!? I don't even want to know what those guys were smoking when they decided that would be a good idea...

As for the "sudden icing" sign, I was thinking more of ninjas popping out of nowhere and throwing icing at you, but Ghostbusters works too. Loved the Photoshopped picture at the end. :)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

Sprinkles on sushi? Bleah! :P How about fish paste smeared on cupcakes?

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpikkewyntjie

I think it's probably a sign that I've watched a few too many hockey games that when I saw the sign, (well, yes, it opened up my eyes, but that's a whole 'nother story), I thought about the hockey term "icing" (sending the puck from your defensive end to the other end of the rink with nobody touching it), rather than thinking of frosting (apparently "icing" to the rest of you)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSyracuseWolvrine

Next thing you know, someone's going to write "I want sprinkles" on a California Roll.

In wasabi.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChris S.

It's like when you play too much Tetris, and everything looks like it's falling. Is that just me? Darn.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanger Boy

Alyssareeves, can this be for real?
(The company with the sperm logo says:)
"Our logo is deliberate. Our customers feel like they are getting the beginning of a new life when they try our shoes. ... What represents that? The seed of life. We're not embarrassed by it, nor are our customers."

They must have VERY hard-to-embarrass customers.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGary

"Sudden icing"?

Now I have a new thing to watch for.

Here in far south Texas, there's a sign just before every bridge reading "Watch for Ice on Bridge." We always watch, but we never see any-- unless someone has just emptied a fast-food drink cup onto the pavement. It's a funny sign to see when the temperature is around 100 F. I think the last winter storm here that could have left ice on the bridges was at least 10 years ago.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGary

Sprinkles? On sushi?

What is this, I don't even... WHY!?

WV: blethi - the sound I made when I realized that someone had put sprinkles. On. Sushi.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Luxuries

Anonymous said:

'There used to be one in a nearby city, known for its large( and now dead) elm trees, that read "SLOW MEN WORKING IN TREES."'

I guess the city was trying to shame the men into working faster.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGary

Stop imagining sushi sprinkles or you will be suddenly iced!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMagnificent Minimalist

yeah, it's kinda hard to see in the pic, but it actually says, "Slick Seed of Life Logo because its cool!" (I left out the apostrophe because they did.)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteremily

If that sushi roll was made with a cake center and frosting around the outside, it would be kinda fun! But putting plastic sprinkles on real sushi?! Gross gross gross!!!

- Odie

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOdie

I guess someone wearing one of your t-shirts went into a sushi bar...and got what they wanted.

LOL sperm shoes! And the puns about how their logo came to be! *snort*

LOL at the icing sign! Actually, I picture frosting spread out all over the road with yellow piping for the center lines. Ghostbuster reference better!

The "Slow Children at Play" signs crack me up. Apparently the people who came up with that didn't have any children. The only time children are slow is when they don't want to do something (wake up, eat food they don't like, walk to their bedroom at bedtime, etc). Other than that...forget it!

Obviously they never heard the Schoolhouse Rock "Interjection" song.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLoo-E Loo-I

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Thanks, I really needed the guffaw today! :)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjilly-bear

Maybe the graphic artist for the shoe company was bored and decided to slip one in just to see if he could get away with it...or it was a team of hyperactive adolescents pulling one over on "the man."

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

"This job ain't worth $11,500 a year..." AHEHEHEHEHEH.

I want a t-shirt with that sign on it.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBADKarma!

So why isn't there a picture of an egg on their women's shoes?

Just sayin'...

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSimone

Okay, even if I wear the "I want Sprinkles" shirt, keep them off my sushi!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Black Dog

My husband is the graphic designer for the shoe company - he's not pulling one over on anyone. He's following what the boss wants.

And the shoes are really comfortable.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

we love you guys very much. just so you know.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMissNay and Family

You know, I was just saying to myself today, "Self, whenever you manage to dig yourself out of this blizzard (we have over a foot already), you should treat yourself to some sushi!"

At least, that what I WAS thinking, until I read your post today.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelli & Noel

Sushi+Sprinkles= No no no

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMicalah

Sperm shoes, indeed, tsk! You guys just jumped to the wrong conclusion. That isn't a sperm, it's, um. Um. It's the underside of a tadpole, of course. Sheesh.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDidoCarthage

@ Beth at 4:10pm - OK! Your husband is the graphic designer of the underside-of-a-tadpole shoes, and he is just following what the boss wants. That's fine.

Soooo.....what, exactly, *was* the boss getting at? Really wanting to know.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDidoCarthage

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sudden icing ......... licking lips!!!!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I've seen the spermy shoes before. I must repeat the one question on everyone's lips... "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!"

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

The sperm logo is the reason why you must always hire a graphic designer with a dirty mind & always keep them on your good side ; )

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I have to laugh about the gymshoe ad. I saw this in Discover magazine and couldn't believe it was for real. What is the international symbol of the spermatozoan?


January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I feel so much better to read that the road sign made you laugh. I thought I was the only one.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLori

My husband worked on a commercial for those shoes a few months ago, and the CEO was there - that logo was totally chosen on purpose, to symbolize the "new life" you will have when you wear the shoes. His advisers tried desperately to convince him to go with something else, but he refused. At the end of the shoot my husband got a free pair of shoes and they are really comfy :)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

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