
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in MMithspellings (2)


Accidentally Insulting Birthday Cakes

I generally don't post name misspellings, because let's face it: there are people out there who spell Jennifer with a Q. Names are hard.

Still, sometimes a baker will botch a name in such a hilariously insulting way that it. is. magic.


Don't you agree, Whitney?

Talk about a bellyache.


And what "Bart" hasn't known this pain?


Believe it or not, this guy's not fat. He's just a little Cubby.

Good luck losing that nickname, though.


Is Beth happy they didn't dot that second "I"?



Funnily enough, I think Bobby did request some of these on his cake...


And perhaps the most subtle insult of all:

"IF that's your REAL name...."


On the one hand, kudos to this bakery for recognizing that a boy can like pink fairies:

On the other hand, little Jess was PISSED.


(If it's any consolation, Jess, they messed up Jeff's cake, too:)


And finally, while I don't know which name this Asian bakery thought they were writing on their display cake, I'm pretty sure it wasn't this one:



Thanks to Heather B., Susan F., Laura R., Beau S., Brian C., Anna G., Debi, Eric C., and Rebecca M., who will all henceforth be known as Chuckles.


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National Teacher Apprication Day

Educators of the world, get those hankies out.

Because this...[dramatic pause] your story.

Yes, every year you need some good "louck" as you embark upon that harrowing journey:

Back "toschol."


Here you will continue on for an indeterminate amount of time.

"4" more...years?
Sure, let's go with that.


During this time, you will expand your students' cultural horizons:

Perhaps by "celabrating" the mythical continent of "Afraicia."


You will "suport" your prep times:

(While grading the staff room cakes in your spare time.)


And, of course, you will strive to instill a love of reading into your young charges:

Not to mention their "comunity."


Until one day, the unthinkably terrifying will occur.

Your students will turn 18.


Yes, you've ushered another generation into adulthood!

"Yu dib it!!!"


And your reward?

(One baker, two cakes, two different mistakes.)


Now you can join with your students' families in saying...

"Happy Gracturations!"




And if you're really lucky, one day a former student just might come back to visit, bearing cake:

A cake of "apprication."


Aaron R., Marissa S., Alisha G., Kelly D., Amy S., Kim B., Rebecca N., Kasey, Stacey W., Anony M., Rebekah, & Amy S., have you thanked a teacher today?


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