
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Sunday Sweets Gets A Case Of The Butterflies

Today I'm giving a whole new meaning to butterflies in your tummy, in the best possible way:

(By Caking It Up)


It's like the prettiest dream you've ever had, freeze-framed and dipped in sugar.

(By Magical Edible Art)

Love those pillowy wings.


(By Sweetlake Cakes)

...and this letter topper!


I'm probably biased since they're my favorite color, but Monarchs have got to be the prettiest butterflies we have here in Florida. They also make the prettiest wedding cakes:

(By Sweet Cheeks Baking Company)

Check out that great texture with the layered silhouettes; really makes the monarchs pop.


Random True Fact: If you ask John what his favorite creature is, he will say it's the butterfly. Years ago we heard a talk on all the impossible things a caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly, and John was so fascinated that he went off and read and watched and researched and I guess just fell in love with these fluttery wisps of lunacy.

(By Sweet 'N Sassy Cakes)

"Fluttery wisps of lunacy" totally fits this swoopy rainbow loveliness.
And would make a sweet band name.


I pride myself on being able to tell what's cake and what's not, but this next one? TOTALLY STUMPED ME:

(By Caprice Cake)

The bottom edge really, REALLY looks like mosaic tile. And the rest is porcelain smooth! Frankly, I'm still not entirely sure this is cake. Could I get a slice, just to be sure? ;)


Speaking of cake that looks like non-cake things, look how pretty this stained glass number is:

(By Ik Hou Van Taart)


And this one looks like the most delicate needlework embroidery:

(By Kristina Rado)


Though I think most brides still prefer the classic butterfly trail:

(By Magic Mouthfuls)


And hey, sometimes, you've just got to go for ALL the colors: 

(By Ph. D.-serts)

[Note: The photo we had here previously was a photoshopped version stolen by an unscrupulous Etsy seller. We've since replaced it with the original photo and credited the correct baker. Sorry, guys!]



But since I've already admitted my love for Monarchs, you know this had to be my favorite today:

(By Nadya's Cakes and Bakes)



Plus it reminds me of this Effie Trinket I just photographed last weekend at MegaCon:

Gee, I wonder why I like her dress so much? ;)

(That's from my other blog Epbot, btw. If you like awesome costumes - or want to see the one John and I made that won Best In Show (!!) - then be sure to click over for my full MegaCon report!)


Happy Sunday, everyone!


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Reader Comments (15)

OMG the stained glass one reminds me of Tiffany glass :D

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered Commentermindy1

OH. MY. GOODNESS. That's all - just oh, my goodness!

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterLady Anne

Gorgeous stained glass cake, my fav!

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterLynne

I love this, and love that you put in the dandelions, and Queen Anne's lace.....
They have always been beautiful to favorites after red clover (our state flower).and I don't care what the botany experts say.

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered Commentersendingtheclowns

*sigh* ... and who could forget this dress?

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterfractalist

that costume is amazing!!!! congrats!!!

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

Wow. Just more wow. I know, a serious lack of literacy there, but I can always, always count on Sunday Sweets to leave me gobsmacked and happy. (I like to save them up, just in case I have a s**t day, and really need a lift.) We don't seem to have any of those extraordinary bakers near where we live, and even though I'm not a huge fan of cake, as food (I know, HERETIC!!!), I've got a cake like that on my bucket list, for some special occasion.

Anyone figure out if the Filigree Butterflies are cake, or frosting or buttercream, or...? That Monarch dress is nice--but it's not a patch on Agnes.

P.S.: if John loves butterflies, surely he knows that the wee buggers are gorgeous bloodthirsty fragile vampires, right? :-)

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterHitch

These are beautiful! I like the stained glass cake and the one that looks like fine needle work!

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterChicago

As always, Sunday Sweets' cakes amaze me with the skills of the decorators. The artistry is amazing! I wonder what some of those butterflies are made of. I especially likes the multicolored butterflies, although for a classic, the Monarch is the best.
Yes, Fractalist, that dress is beautiful.

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterJuin

“Fluttery wisps of lunacy” for the win! Love that phrase and love these cakes!

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterSeabird

So Alexander McQueen made that original butterfly dress, + other butterfly dresses, and when i went to go find a picture i found this collection of more butterfly cakes (and dresses) for you too look at!

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMarie

I can’t pick. They are all spectacular. And they all made me gasp with glee

February 25, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterAddie

What truly beautiful cakes, and thanks for the bonus link to your Junk Lady costume entry on Epbot. WOW--incredible! Congratulations on a well-deserved Best in Show.

February 26, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterCarola

The stained glass is lovely; but did you notice the spider web on the embroidery? Amazing! I think the filigree butterflies are piped with Royal Icing; they are a work of art.

February 26, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Harman

ooooh, the embroidery one! THE SPIDER WEBS ON THE EMBRIODERY ONE!! perfection.

February 26, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterigorina

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