
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Anything You Can Wreck, I Can Wreck Better

Brittany G. writes,

"A friend got a promotion a while back, so his team ordered a cake and asked the baker to draw a ladder with a stick figure climbing it, which said 'Moving On Up.'"

Instead, they got this:

"One Wreck El Grande for... Brick Bee? Is there a 'brick bee' here?"*

Part of me reeeeally wishes there were little lattes drawn on the side. Also, gotta love that "one two punch" of a color combo, am I right? SO APPETIZING.


*That joke was for you, Alice.

And please tell Phteven we said hello.


But wait, there's more!

The team was so inspired that they decided to make their own homage - and it. is. perfect.

[stick figure applauding]


Thanks to Brittany G. & Kate S. for the Java errors.


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« Friday Favs 8/15/14 | Main | Big Day, Big Wrecks »

Reader Comments (67)

@mel: Sheer brilliance. I Romaine amazed. Lettuce once again applaud your talents.

@Jodee: Great news about your cousin!

My friend Kay passed away this morning at about 8:30 am Central time. She is finally at peace, out of pain, and living a better life. Her memorial service will be Aug. 28. Please keep the laughs coming. I am the "funeral coordinator" for this (for lack of a better term) and will need them! Thanks for all your love, support, hugs and good wishes. They are very much appreciated!

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTLC

TLC, I've served as a funeral semi-coordinator before. It is a rough job. May you find comfort today and in the years to come.

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHaiku Joy

I fear that with this comment I will be exceeding my word limit for the day, but here goes:

@Jodee-I'm so glad they found your cousin's son!

@Erica-That's what makes America great! You like haiku? Read the haiku. Hate song parodies? Skip 'em.
Or not. It doesn't matter because this is The USA and you can do what you damn well please! Enjoy!

Hi Lurkers! I see you...

@mel-You're the man! A history lesson and Dean-o all in one day.

@TLC-Here's an imaginary hug, my imaginary friend.

Jen and John (thoJ)-Did all of this really start with cake?

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSuBee

Well, then technically, the last onei is not a wreck, because it was done deliberately.

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCat

*takes off the Sacred Cape of Lurking* Ummm Hi...I just wanted to say that Mel, your Caesar story took the cake today. Also, Sharyn, SuBee, and Haiku Joy you all are fabulous and your comments constantly make me snort laugh. I must also add that to date the PanWow series has been my favorite comment thread to read to date. *puts back on Cape and disappears"

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCW Lurker

Mr. Haiku just read me the entire Caesar exchange in his sonorous voice. Divine!

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHaiku Joy

@TLC ~ It must be the day. I just got the call about my other cousin. I'm taking comfort in the fact that the last time I saw him I asked him to give my Mom a hug for me and tell her I love her and now he is there with her. Hugs to you my friend!

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJodee

@Karen: thank you, and everyone wins who reads Cake Wrecks!
@mindy1: well…I do think I’m a little long-winded at times, but I think all our styles are safe. Thanks for your appreciation!
@VaBeach alemaP: thanks again for championing our right to write…and you’re welcome…it is a pleasure and a privilege to play here…..
@Jodee: thanks you for the cheering and applause, and for using both hands…I just hate the sound of one hand clapping…. And, I am so happy that your cousin’s son is well and safe! That’s the kind of news we like!
@juice318: You’re welcome!
@Amy: Thank you…coming to CW everyday makes my day…this is the best day-started ever!
@Tabbymom: it’s the drugs…just kidding….thanks…the mind is a funny thing (at least mine is….)
@Stephanie: you are so welcome…we get ‘em from Jen and john(thoJ) and the CW Team, and then we pass ‘em on….
@Rachel CrazyMum: thank you! I sometimes don’t know how it happens, either, and of course, sometimes it doesn’t….I just try to go with the flow…que sera sera…..
@Sharyn: an UnPun machine?! To that I say, "I Will Give Up My Pun When They Peel My Cold Dead Fingers From Around It." And, as you know, “If puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns", and this is just acceptable. I believe this is covered in the Second Amendment, section four: Summer Clothing: The Right to Bare Arms.
@Erica: Guilty as charged, but don’t let that stop you from reading the original post and the shorter comments. There’s gold in them there smaller hills! Room for all of us here….
@Tami Alizzi and @DragonFaery: Hi, and thanks for commenting today, ands thanks for the encouragement! A good laugh, and there’s always one around here, makes all our days better! Feel free to comment as often as you like! You’re among friends!
@Becca: very close…it’s Streams….(not really, but thanks for the kind comment!)
@Susie Q: Thank you…we’re all just a bunch of word nerds playin’ around, but I’m glad you enjoy it. By the way, my introduction to CW sounds similar to yours. Very sad time in my life, and I saw the first CW book in a bookstore and bought it. I have never laughed so hard for so long in my life. It literally changed my life. I then found the site and lurked for a while before sticking my toe in. Now, all of me is in here…probably too much…. Also, love your work story!
@KimS: thanks, and I think we will….
@CbushLite: In the immortal words of Peter Pan, “We won’t grow up….”
@allegra: thank you (and my brain does feel a little sprained….)
@FrenchToast: welcome first time commenter! And, did you know there are TWO CakeWreck’s books!
@becka: thanks for commenting! We all just love to laugh here, and to share the good feeling that laughter brings!
@Sue W.: “kerflumpt”…I hope that’s not a bad thing, or if it is, it’s easily cured….but I’m glad you enjoyed the comments…this is such a great place to have fun! As for JD—I get that this site and what we do here is not for everyone, but if it’s not for you, just leave, or enjoy what you want and let the rest go…anyway, rather than pi$$ JD off, I’d rather make people laugh…(but I appreciate your sentiment…)

* * * * *
@TLC: Thank you for your pun-filled comment! By the way, does sheer brilliance mean you can see right through me…?
I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Even when we know death is coming, it always seems to have such a profound impact when it actually happens. It is truly a time of mixed emotions – from sadness for the loss to gladness that the suffering is over to any and everything else. Sometimes numbness just takes over for a while. As I write this, coincidentally, I am listening to Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 "From The New World,” the second movement, (Largo). If you heard this you would know it; it has become the popular song “Going Home.” I heard it years ago at a lecture by Robert Ballard, the man who discovered the sunken Titanic. He gave a marvelous lecture, and concluded it with video images of the sunken, broken, ship. As the video of the wreck played on the screen, the solemn “Going Home” filled the auditorium. It was a beautiful, somber moment as the audience thought of those many, many people who had “gone home” on that fateful April night. Today Kay has gone home. Although I know neither you nor Kay, and while I am glad that her suffering is over, I am sad for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. May the spirit of love and friendship from your family and friends (and that includes us virtual folk here on CW) surround and sustain you all. Because she was a part of you, and you are a part of us, and because I hate cancer with a passion, I will be pleased to memorialize her life on the Gilda’s Club Blessing Tree this December, as I do for my wife and mother-in-law. I wish you peace. mel

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermel

@TLC: You're in my thoughts. We're here if/when you need us, and with any luck we'll make you snort liquid out your nose. Hugs to you.

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSharyn

Jumping on the emerging-lurker bandwagon... I'm staying at my parents' and they're sleeping, so I had to laugh into my pillow because I would have woke them up for sure when I got to "Pounce de lion" and "Royal Cartographer Gew Gell." Thanks for the laughs, Mel, I'm going to come back and read this again when I'm feeling down :D

August 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterFia

The homage cake is brilliant. Sweet sarcasm; the world needs more of it.

Today's comments are entertaining as always. ^_^ Keep the smiles coming, guys.

August 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTifa

Oh man.. that first cake. I hope they didn't buy it lol. Some days I think wreckerators have no sense when they make cakes.

August 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterArlene

Oh, TLC and Jodee, hugs to you both.

August 15, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterjuice318

SusieQ, now I'm stuck trying out all the possible rhymes for "cakewrecks":

MakeTrecks (a wilderness tour company?)
FakeSex (an honest brothel?)
AcheDecks (an S&M studio?)
LakeHex (A camping ground for modern pagans?)
SteakMex (Mmmm, spicy!)
BreakNecks (a motorcycle showroom?)
HakePecs (Do fish have pecs? they have pectoral fins, so I guess they must have pectoral muscles to move them. so, it must be a fish gym.)
JakeRex (Just some guy. or a dinosaur.)

Am I getting close??

August 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAA

@SuBee: thanks, SuBee! Just havin' some fun here, for the love of Pete....and don't worry about exceeding your word limit -- today I used up everyone's....!
@CW Lurker: Welcome! And thanks for your comment! And, yes, the PanWow series was fun! (And I hope you'll remove your cape and return sometimes....)
@Haiku Joy: you guys know how to have fun!
@Fia: You are so welcome! It's a fun to be able to play here! And come back any time; you're always welcome!
@AA: lol...well done, well done!

August 15, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermel

Bwahaha, AA!

August 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHaiku Joy

@Jodee: I've had a little niggle in my head for a couple of days (that means that something's bothering me) and I found out why. In looking over my rather long post above, I saw that I inadvertently omitted adding that I will memorialize your cousin's life on the Gilda's Club Blessing Tree also. Gilda's Club -- there is one in this area -- is " a free nonprofit emotional and social support community for people living with cancer, and their families friends." It is named after Gilda Radner. All their services/programs are free. During December they put up a large evergreen and people may, through donations, decorate it with lights and ornaments in honor of cancer survivors and in memory of those who did not survive. I will add your cousin to the list of people I memorialize. We are all family here. I am sorry for not posting this sooner. mel

August 16, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermel

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