
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Sunday Sweets: Super Bowl

You may remember from last year's Super Bowl Sweets that we the CW team know almost as much about sports as we do about weasel neutering.



(The Super Bowl IS football, right? Oh, good.)

I watch the Super Bowl every year - despite my lack of sports knowledge - just because I get to eat glorious piles of delicious junk food:

By Alliance Bakery

Mmmm...Oooonion riiings...

I love the Seussian details; it looks like it's straight out of Green Eggs and Junk Food!

It's a fact that Super Bowl parties are the only place where it's entirely acceptable, nay, expected!, to eat a whole bag of potato chips by yourself.

Submitted by Linday S. and made by La-Di-Da Cakes

RRRRuffles have RRRidges made out of fondant, and they're amazing.

The only way I know this isn't a real bag of chips is how full it is. Usually when I open a bag, it's 75% air, 15% chip crumbs, and 10% greasy-fingered shame.


Of course, no Super Bowl party would be complete without a heaping stack o' wings:

By Sugar Buzz Cakes

Now, I know what you're thinking: those are real wings on cake, which is disgusting. I thought the same thing. So we called the baker in Tempe, AZ and asked her. Turns out they're made of fondant! Un-Be-Freakin'-Lievable.


I just remembered that this is supposed to be a football post.

Fine. Here.

By Mike's Amazing Cakes

Seriously, Mike. Did you steal a piping bag from Warehouse 13?

[Ok, so we *might* have just given you a clue why we know nothing about football.]



Hey, you know what goes great with sports for which you care nothing? Pizza!

Submitted by Hilary B. and made by Pink Cake Box

It's pretty rare to see a pizza box cake. I love it. And check out the little mushrooms!


Now I know what you're thinking: what am I gonna drink with all this junkfood, water? What do I look like, a health nut? What am I, a fish?!

No! You're an American! 

By Piece of Cake - Custom Cakes by Mark

You drink BEER!


Unless, of course, you're NOT an American. In which case:

Submitted by Lisa L. and made by Cakes by No More Tiers

You drink LAGER!

The bottles and ice on both cakes are made of sugar. Total homerun!


Ok, I know what you're all waiting for. After all, you can't have the Super Bowl without some bone-crunching, cheerleading, touch-downing, grass-staining, FOOTBALL.


Personally, the commercials are my favorite part of the Super Bowl. Like the Mighty Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales!

By CakeCentral user mmmcake0072

D'awww. Who's a mighty widdle clydesdale?! It's you, it's you!



Okay, okay, we probably need to talk about football or... something.

So, the New England Patriots are playing.

By Chocmo Cakes

And I'm pretty sure they'll win because this cake is very tall and majestic.


Also, the New York Giants are playing:

By The Designer Cake Company

Although I hear blue balls are hard to run with.

[innocent smile]


And so, it is with a heavy heart and a full stomach that we bring this post to an end, with one final, majestic nod to the ol' pig skin:

By Swen's Homemade Cake

Have a great Super Bowl Sunday everybody!

Or, ya know, just a Sunday.


Have a Sweet for us? Then send it to SundaySweets (at) cakewrecks (dot) com.

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Reader Comments (55)

Um, lager is beer. (Though I wouldn't classify Bud Light as beer at all. More like lightly colored fizzy water. Come to think about it, Stella isn't that great either. I'm spoiled by American microbrews. This is a long parenthetical.)

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBassBone

I just love how those beer bottles have that shine on them, just like the real thing! And I'm absolutely speechless about that Ruffles Chip bag! What amazing detail! Ruffles really do have ridges!

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRobbi/Sugarrrsmack

I think I need to make those Buffalo Wing Cupcakes, they sound delicious!

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKim

The Buffalo Wing cupcakes in the link are delicious--I made them yesterday.

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

Those ultrarealistic ones like the chips and wings are why I only eat plain cakes (that and I could never bring myself to ruin most of the nice decorative ones).

But seeing the insides of those cakes is like being trapped in a papier mache village. It'd be particularly cruel if room the cake's in was also made of fondant.

Also, I love how pop-art-y the first one is.

February 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterInvisibleApple

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