
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Sunday Sweets: Ode to Dragon*Con

Loyal henchpersons, there are only four days left until Dragon*Con, the big East Coast geek-fest we attend every year in Atlanta, and I AM SO EXCITED.

So let me apologize in advance for the blistering amount of geek glee I'm about to blast you with; I just can't help it. I'll be with you soon, my people! SOOOON!!


Let's start things off with a bang, shall we?

 Submitted by Stacey T., made by Bleeding Heart Bakery

Or more like an "EXTERMI-CAKE!" Because yes, it's really cake.


I've had requests for more fondant-free Sweets, so check this old-school Sonic action out:

Sub'd by Elizabeth M., made by SonicTheHedgehawk

Those smooth areas may look like fondant, but they're actually icing. It's a technique called run-out, flooding, or color-flow, depending on who you ask, and it has a glass-smooth texture that I just love - no fondant required!


I've always said I love marshmallow icing:

Sub'd by Crystal Q., made by Cakes That Make You Go Mmm

I see the chocolate and the marshmallow - now where's the giant graham cracker? ;)


Penny Arcade is a video game-centered webcomic that looks almost exactly like this:

By Artisan Cake Company

...only usually less edible.

Plus, the two guys who produce Penny Arcade are also the creators of PAX, the big gaming convention taking place in Seattle at this very moment. Holla, gamer geeks!

 Oh, and check out this detail:

I never thought I'd be in awe of pants pleats before, but there you have it.


And now for a little Battlestar Galactica:

Submitted by Ruth Ann F. and made by Kandy Cakes (link expired - anyone have a new one?)

Think they needed toasters to make that? (Heh. Aheh. Heh.)


Conventions always have lots of Anime which I don't claim to follow or understand, but it all sure looks adorable:

Sub'd by Tammy, made by Baking Obsession


(If you're not familiar, the character in the middle, Pikachu, is what all the hot girls in yellow bikinis dress as.)


Love Star Wars *and* LEGO? Then have I got the cake for you!


By Val's Custom Cakes

Even the figure is edible. Awesome.


Here's a cake from one of my very favorite video games:

Sub'd by Brandi A., made by Mike's Amazing Cakes

 So. Cool.

It's the Space Personality Core from Portal. 


Which reminds me. Have you seen the Wheatley puppet? Huh? Have you?! I'm hoping to spot him and his creator at D*C. Fingers crossed!


Care to seek out new worlds...hand painted on cake?

Submitted by Sue B. and made by a matter of taste



And finally, you Epbot readers know of my continuing love affair with steampunk, which I hope to see a lot of in Atlanta. Well, check out this beauty:

By Emily of Border City Cakes, photo by NCS Photography

Great gears and leather and pipes, oh my! Even the fabric ruffle and netting are edible - just spectacular.


If any of you fellow geeks will also be at Dragon*Con this weekend, you should know that we'll be playing "Find Jen and win a prize" again this year. Go here for details, and I hope to see you there!


Also, good news! After many, MANY requests, we've finally assembled a Sunday Sweets directory. Now you can see which professional bakers we've featured in your area! (Note that listing in the directory does not indicate our endorsement, and that we've only included pro bakers accepting orders, as opposed to home hobby bakers.)

Happy browsing!


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Reader Comments (58)

A Dalek cake?!?!?! How incredibly awesome is that? @Fionna, if the Daleks were made out of cake, then the Doctor could just use his sonic knife (since we now know he has a sonic cane...what other sonic items does he have?? Wait...don't want to know.)! ;-)

The Star Trek cake is just amazing...breath-taking...

August 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

The first one reminds me of this (Elektra Belle Epoque: commercial-scale espresso maker, 45" tall). It would make an awesome cake.

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterserns

Love geeky cakes!! if I ever go to America (ok, so technically I went there for like a week when I was 4), I'm going to coincide with one of your amazingly enormous Cons!

Just a point about the Sunday Sweets list, Kew is actually an inner city suburb of Melbourne, Australia. I'd put Ab Fab Cakes up with the other Melbourne ones, to make it easier to find. Bachus Marsh is a little further out of the city but still in the same state, so it should probably go up there too otherwise people from Melbourne stop looking when they hit the Sydney ones! Melbourne, by the way, is in Victoria :)

Chris, the Melbournian :)

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChris

I love the Dalek cake so much! That is so great and amazing, a Dalek has never looked so good, and tasty!

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRystall

Is there a reason that the geek cakes are the only ones on the site that aren't wrecks? They look way too awesome to eat! Great finds!

September 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

the space core is just plain EPIC

April 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterlopo

Ahhh,that Pokemon cake...could it get any better? Just for the info, the Pokemon on the left of Pikachu was Munchlax and Dragonair, and the Pokemon on the right were Pachirisu and Lapras :) I love playing Pokemon (btw I'm fourteen and I love CakeWrecks! Inherited the obsession from my mom!)

January 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

That Pokemon cake! :D For those of us not Pokemon fans like I am... and playing every day. The ones on the cake are from right to left,

Dragonair <3 I need a Dragonair plushie, it would look like that fondant topping.


Pikachu. *cough* OVERUSED *cough*


and Lapras. :D Video game nerdiness is over... for now.... MWU HA HA HA

February 3, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHelen

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